Generate Your Estimate via Email
Generate Your Estimate via Print
After creating an estimate, you can quickly send it to your client or print a copy for your records. Here’s how:
Generate Your Estimate via Email
Once your estimate is created, it's time to send it to your client. In this guide, we'll show you how to easily generate your estimate via email or print it for physical delivery.
Step 1: Navigate to Income
To access your list of estimates.
Step 2: In the Estimates table, find and select the record of the estimate you want to send and select it.
Step 3: On the rightmost side of the table, click the envelope icon to initiate the email process.
Step 4: Enter the Recipient’s Email Address
Input the client’s email address to ensure the estimate is sent to the correct contact.
Step 5: Fill in the subject line of your email
e.g., "Estimate Q-0000002 from Fynlo").
Step 6: Create or Use the Default Email Template
- You can either use the default template provided or create your custom message for the email.
🔶Note: If you need to reset the content to the default template, click the Reset button. This allows you to start over without manually erasing content.
Step 7: Once everything is set, click the Proceed button to email the estimate to your client.
Generate Your Estimates via Print
Once your estimate is created, it's time to send it to your client. In this guide, we'll show you how to easily generate your estimate via email or print it for physical delivery.
Step 1: Navigate to Income
to access your list of estimates.
Step 2: In the Estimates table, locate the specific estimate you want to print and select it.
🟩 Tip: Use the search or filter options in the table to quickly find the exact estimate you need.
Step 3: On the rightmost side of the table, click the three-dot icon next to your chosen estimate and select Print.
Step 4: Print the Estimate
Complete the print setup, then print the document for record-keeping.
Ready to track your payments? Discover how to convert estimates to invoices in our upcoming guide.