Importing your estimates in bulk can save you time and minimize errors, especially when dealing with large datasets. Importing estimates can save time by allowing you to bring in bulk data from other systems quickly. Follow these simple steps to efficiently import your estimate data.
Step 1: Navigate to Income
to access the estimates module.
Step 2: Click the Import
button to initiate the import.
Step 3: Download Sample File
Download the Sample File by clicking Download Sample File. This provides a structured format for your data, making sure it's correctly organized for import.
🟩 Tip: Use the sample file to avoid formatting errors, and save it as a backup template for future imports!
Step 4: Fill Out the Template
Enter your Estimate data. The following fields are required:
- Client Name
- Quote Date
- Due Date
- Item Name
- Quantity
- Account
- Unit Price
- Optional fields include Number, Memo, Currency, Description, Discount, and Tax.
🔶Note: Ensure all required fields are filled out, or your import may encounter errors.
Step 5: Save the file, then return to the Fynlo apps.
Step 6: Drag the file into the uploader box or click Browse to select the file.
Step 7: Map Fields and Review Data
Map the columns in your file to the system’s fields. Double-check that all mandatory fields are matched correctly.
Step 8: Proceed by clicking on the Save button
Step 9: Confirm Data
If there are any errors, a toggle will appear to view the error list.
Fix the errors by clicking the Edit button. An error message will be displayed below the details.
After correcting the errors, click the Save button. This will show all the contact data that is good to upload.
🟥 Warning: If there are errors, you must resolve them before the file can be imported. The system will guide you with messages.
Step 10: After confirming the data, click the Confirm button.
Wait for a confirmation message that your data was successfully imported.
Step 11: View Uploaded Data
Click Back to List to view your imported estimate.
Your estimate is now ready! learn how to email or print your estimate in our next guide.