Managing currencies within your system is essential for handling international transactions smoothly. By allowing for transactions in multiple currencies, you can ensure that exchange rates are updated automatically, helping to maintain accurate financial records and avoid discrepancies in financial tracking.
How to Add a New Currency
Adding a new currency to your system is simple and helps expand your ability to transact globally. Follow these steps to add a new currency to your system:
Step 1: On the menu pane on the left, click on Settings
from the options.
Step 2: On the Currency page, click the + New Currency
button located at the upper right corner of the page.
Step 3: Select Currency:
Choose your desired currency from the dropdown list (e.g., USD, EUR, CAD).
Step 4: After selecting the currency, click the Save button to add the currency to your system.
A confirmation message will appear, indicating that the new currency has been successfully added to your system.
🟩 Tip: If you need to work with multiple currencies, this process can be repeated for each currency you need to manage.
Need help with managing currencies or exchange rates? Continue reading to learn how to set and manage exchange rates effectively to keep your financial records accurate.