A Bill of Materials (BOM) is a comprehensive list of the materials and components required to manufacture a product (product component). Creating a BOM helps in tracking production costs and inventory requirements.
Below are the steps to complete the process:
Step 1: On the left panel, Navigate and click on Items.
Step 2: Click the + New Item button or the "+" icon in the middle of the table.
Step 3: On the General Info tab, enter the product Information. Set the Item Type as Bill of Materials and set the Item Name as appropriate. The unit of measurement (box, unit, meter, hour etc) and the Tax field are both optional.
Optional: You may upload an image of the item via drag and drop in the image section.
Step 4: Click the Accounting tab to add accounting information
Step 5: Select Sales Account and set the Sales Price in numeric value without the currency.
Step 7: Clicking the Save button will route you back to the main screen with a prompt indicating a successful entry of the BOM.
🔶Note: You can edit out the entry by clicking on the edit function located on the right section of the line item.